Individual Grant Applications

Individual Grants

If you wish to make an application for a grant for an individual please download the form and related guidance.   Please follow the guidance carefully and then submit the application to, together with a quote from a supplier who must be able to provide a BACS number so that we can pay them direct.

Application Form

Application Form Guidance 

Applications for individual grants are welcome from anyone living in Northampton Borough who is need of financial support for furniture, white goods, carpeting or in other ways.

Applications need to be supported by an independent person such as a housing officer, social worker or health worker.  Grants can only be paid to a supplier and not to the applicant and are usually for up to £500.

Charities working in Northampton are also encouraged to apply for grants for projects and for work which assists those in need through ill health, poverty, age or some other way.

If you are having difficulties then please email